
  • Today, I want to talk about nullable variables. This is one of my favourite topics because nullability (aka optionality in Swift) is one of the notable common themes between both Swift and Kotlin languages. It is also one of the main things that differentiates these newer native languages from their legacy predecessors, namely, Objective-C and…

  • Now, I know that one of the most common frustrations among iOS devs is the constantly changing GUI integration of Git in Xcode. If you’re a developer who worked with the Xcode Git GUI even an year or so back, you may be baffled when you open up the IDE again because – you guessed…

  • At some point in your SwiftUI developer journey, you will come across the line “You can simply do this using a custom view modifier and …”. There are many Stack Overflow and GitHub sample code snippets floating around with modifiers for various views. In this post, I will cover this topic along with a couple…

  • /** Big O – Part 1 */

    If you have any exposure whatsoever to computer science or programming, it is impossible for you to not have come across the phrase ‘Big O notation’. But what is Big O notation? If you can answer this confidently, this article may not be for you. However, in my positions as a software team lead, I…

  • Ask any organzation lover like me, and they will tell you that there is no such thing as too many marking and documentation tools. Bookmarks are one of the simplest marking tools used in both the online universe and the physical world. At last year’s WWDC, Apple introduced Xcode Bookmarks and in this article, I…

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  1. Hi, do you know how to change the badge value text and background color for the MoreNavigationController TableviewCell? See:

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